
my dad was watching "What Would You Do?"

and it was of two actresses in a restaurant.
one was full of men.
the other was full of women.
the scenario was that the "waitress" took the woman's order.
the woman is a little larger than your "average."
the woman ordered a cheeseburger and onion rings.
and the waitress proceeded to tell the woman that she should order some vegetables and make better decisions in her life.
they got into an argument.
the waitress then proceed to the table of men and complained. they gave her sympathy and not the other woman.

in the restaurant with mostly women, the woman who ordered was given sympathy and advice from a table of other women. these women then confronted the waitress and said "it's not your business what she orders." calmly.

i found this super interesting.
but this show is a difficult concept. i mean, in this situation, would you have said anything? men or women.
personally, i probably wouldn't. it's a restaurant, i probably wouldn't have heard this go down. if i were near the woman, i might have said something to her. but in reality? who knows.

also, i had a dream this morning that i was at an NJHS meeting randomly in my church. and there were a bunch of random people there. and then there was an earthquake and people ran out of the room instead of hiding under the tables like i did. when the earthquake was over, my dad came in to pick me up. we were walking to the car and my mom was there too. i looked next door to the church and there was a tornado! i naturally started freaking out and my dad was like "i forgot stuff inside!" so he runs inside and comes out with like three different instruments and it doesn't make sense... but he puts them in the car and then goes back for more. and by this time the tornado is getting closer and my mom and i are freaking out. he comes back outside and gets into the passenger seat. we drive a little and my mom all of a sudden says "i can't drive!" so they switch places and we go a little farther and my dad says "my hands are cramping!" they then argue over who's going to drive meanwhile the tornado is coming... and i say "i can do it." my mom says "are you sure?" i nod. and then i woke up.
it was pretty intense seeing as i don't remember dreams.

that was probably the longest paragraph of your life... sorry
also, semi is tomorrow! yayyyy!
so excited!

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