
i really want to make a fort

when we were younger, my brother and i used to pull the bed out from the couch and crawl around under it like it was a fort.
we used to have sock wars. (we'd put up laundry baskets as our fort and pile folded socks in them and throw them at eachother.) ((tell me we weren't the only ones to do this...))

tomorrow, to study for economics, i'm making a fort. in my room. and i'm going to blast music and no boys are allowed. and you're all jealous. (: i'll post pictures. don't worry.

also, i don't know what to do. i told people to send me their stuff for our business plan for this economics project tonight. and i got nothing. two people in my group don't have facebooks and i already got theirs. if i don't get their stuff by like 7 tomorrow i'm not putting it in. it's their fault.

i like having that kind of power... why did she make me manager... haha

i have a dentist appointment tomorrow. i've been flossing recently. hopefully i'll be okay. if not my mouth will be sore for 3 days. whoopie.

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