
i don't want to die here

i've just wanted to write and write and write.
once i actually go to do it there are no words.
no expressions.
no feelings.
just emptiness.
or rather, my mind is too full of thoughts that i can't pick one out and put it onto virtual paper.
how many different ways can i write about writer's block?

"all i ask from anyone is to just be themselves
and be honest with themselves
that way they can realize who they are and stop with the walls and barriers and masks"
i don't know why i put quotes around that because i said it...
just said that to someone after he said that "he's not really like this."
i guess if you realize that you're not acting like "yourself" then you know who "yourself" is.

basically, if i could sit down with Abby Desharnais i would ask her so many questions. i would wonder how her life is. i would ask her what shes loves and what she hates. what are her aspirations?
some of these things i think i know... but what if i had never met anyone in my life. would my opinions be different?
if i were surrounded by a COMPLETELY different group of people from a different state across the US, would i be a different person?

...just some things keeping me up at night.

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