
main street by sinclair lewis

you know a book is going to be good when you've only read 3 pages and you've already found awesome quotes.

"Most of the girls who were not betrothed meant to be teachers. Of these were two sorts: careless young women who admitted that they intented to leave the 'beastly classroom and grubby children' the minute they had a chance to marry; and studious, sometimes bulbous-browed and pop-eyed maidens who at class prayer-meetings requested God to 'guide their feet along the paths of greatest usefulness.' neither sort tempted Carol" (9).

"She was on the peak that Sunday afternoon when she played in the chapel. Out of the dusk her violin took up the organ theme, and the candle-light revealed her in a straight golden frock, her arm arched to the bow, her lips serious. Every man fell in love then with religion and Carol" (9).

"Her eyes mothered the world" (10).

i'm going to enjoy this book. (:

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