
it's obvious that you're dieing, dieing.

and this is the part of life i like to call: quotes. bare with me.

In this weird twisted way, I know you miss me liking you, not because I want to believe
it's true, but because you'll never find a girl that can put up with you like I did; you'll
never find a girl who will care as much as I did, because no one will waste all their love
on someone like you, like I did.

And so you asked how I was doing and I lied and said I was fine.
I mean, life is okay, but it would be better if you were mine.

Once you lose yourself, you have two
choices. Find the person you used
to be, or lose that person completely

Accept everything about yourself - I mean everything. You are
you and that is the beginning and the end - no apologies, no regrets.

It happens to everyone as they grow
up. You find out who you are and
what you want, and then you realize
that the people you've known forever
don't see things the way you do.
And so you keep the memories,
but you find yourself moving on.

Give me something to believe in, because I don't believe in you anymore.

You just have to be happy. If you are,
everything else will fall into place.
(this will now be my answer to when people ask me why i'm happy.)

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word,
a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all
of which have the potential to turn a life around.

You were only given this life because
you were strong enough to live it.

The hardest thing about knowing you don't love me is
that you spent so much time pretending that you did.

I hope you live a life you’re proud of. if you find that you’re not,
I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

moral of the story: sorry that this was boring. i was looking for inspiration.

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