
it's always better when we're together

and this is the part of life i like to call: response papers.

In class recently, Ms. Sears has read response papers aloud. As the rest of the class sits anxiously in their seats waiting to see if the paper is theirs or not, I listen intently to learn about other student’s styles. Some of the papers make me feel incompetent about my own writing abilities. Others make me feel on track. That’s the way life works I guess; some people will make you feel small and incapable while others will make you feel like you’re in the right place.

that's my introductory paragraph.
i sort of like it.
it basically explain how i feel during response shares.
i think i'm going to like this class.
i haven't really been in it long enough to make a decision.

i can't finish this though
there are so many things i need to say that i can't put words to.

oh, just so you guys know, one of my biggest pet peeves is being late to something.
it really bothers me.
i've been on time since i was born.

my mother's water broke on exactly midnight on my due date.
right on time.

honestly, right on time.
and if i haven't been, i get nervous and stressed out.
i hate feeling like i missed something.
what's your pet peeve?

i know it's pointless to ask you readers questions.
last time i did that i got maybe 3 responses.
one of which was anonymous.
so if you'd like to answer that, do it.
since some people seem to have an issue with me talking about myself?
i don't understand that.
this is my blog.
don't tell me what to write (:

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney "

i love walt disney quotes.
he's a wonderful man

"Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children."

"I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn't know how to get along without it."

"When you're curious, you find lots of interesting things to do."
i heard that the first NECAP involved writing an essay on curiousity.

ok, i should write this paper now.

no worries.
you've got this.
it gets better.
and everything you know will be ok.

moral of the story: i don't really know... haha

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