
ok, i definitely posted something last night.
but blogger decided to be stupid and not post it.

jake and i had an official hang out last night (:
ha, i haven't seen him in like, a week. he works two jobs so he's never home ever.
meanwhile, corey doesn't work. so he's home a lot. which is kind of reverse what life used to be.

and i babysat little beckham last night (:
so cute. he's like 10 months old.

so i had wilderness camp this past week.
that camp is so much fun, no matter how much we complain about being tired (:
i became closer to a lot of people that i didn't think i would.
and 5 year olds are definitely the best campers (:

what else... oh, so this wilderness camp is like a church camp. it's really great to witness to younger kids. some of our campers accepted Christ for the first time.

and the Gospel today actually made me pay attention. usually i just space out during church.

"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Luke 11:9-10

ok, i know it's been a long time. and i'll try to post more.

OH! one more thing. i wanted to talk about syms. and how much i miss people ):
and that i want to go next year but my parents will make me pay for half of it. i guess i need to apply for all of the scholarships.

moral of the story: blogger doesn't work all the time. i love my brothers.kids are cute. i actually listened to a gospel. and i miss people.
oh, and italics never came off.

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