
kenneth's inspiration...

there are a few people that like to tell me when to update my blog.
but you need to understand, i'm not inspired everyday of my life... haha

Here are some suggestions if you don't know what to write about:
Things you don't like about your house
Disney Movies
Songs I That I Sing Well"

so i guess i'll get started on those...
hippos are cool. i just had to google image one to remind myself of what they look like... i think of hippos as manatees with legs. (and ears)
hippos are large. and so are their jaws. and they're slightly intimidating...
ha, i don't know what else to say.

socks. i hate them. they're so uncomfortable. i love being barefoot, except in the winter. so i guess sometimes they're convenient. but not really. people weren't meant to wear socks. haha, i really don't like them. they make me slip all over my house because we only have carpet in our bedrooms.

my house. i love it. it's awesome
i don't like that my rug is red and my walls are green and blue... haha, i was an interesting child. we moved in when i was in 1st grade.. so maybe when i was 6? meaning we've been here for 9ish years. so my room was originally pink walls and red carpet. because we got to choose our own colors and that's just what i wanted. well eventually, i grew out of that color scheme phase and repainted. it's pretty cool looking actually... i have a few pictures where you can see the walls. anyways, yeah. my room is the only thing i don't really love about my house. but just the way it's set up.

I LOVE DISNEY MOVIES. they're my favorite. ever.
people that don't like disney movies are just really messed up. (sorry meg brockett.)
they're so adorable and have the best story lines and never get old.

ok, someone had a little typing difficulties...
"songs i that i sing well." but we all know that this means "songs that i sing well"
now, i don't know if kenneth wanted me to talk about myself, or him for this one... haha

so kenneth. i would imagine you sing anything in your range well. and you still have to do the never say never cover. because it sounds like you anyway.

but on a personal note, i'm not sure. i'm my toughest critic. and a lot of people don't think i'm a good singer... but that's their opinion. i've been singing since before i could talk. i've never had lessons. i just learned to mimic what people on the radio and cd's do. at the moment i'm loving the song brave by idina. and like you do by angel taylor. (i mentioned that before.)
obviously it's hard to be as good as others. and everyone's voice is different. so i
just wish people would give other people a break. it's all in what they like to sing.

so yeah, that was my kenneth-inspired blog for today... haha

moral of the story: kenneth is my best friend.

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