
'cause nobody loves me like you do

congratulations MTV for making me love this song. i'd only heard the refrain from the top music video count down... yes i watch that... and i finally got it.
but it's not overplayed. and i really like how angel taylor's voice sounds (:

sorry. i like shuffle.

oh! what i really wanted to talk about was summer pops.
i love 4th and 5th and certain middle schoolers (:
and i love them all playing together and sounding decent (:
and i LOVE cumberland cross.
that has to be my favorite middle school piece.

simple plan songs make me feel sad.
but i like them.

'cause we lost it all
nothing lasts forever
i'm sorry i can't be perfect.
now it's just too late
and we can't go back
i'm sorry i can't be perfect.

another thing i wanted to talk about was how much my vocabulary has changed.
every year it's a new thing.
last year i said "and a half" after every adjective. it was really annoying.
and in 6th and 7th grade i typed really obnoxiously.
i was all for abbreviations. and other crazy stuff.
that was the age of AIM. AIM = Facebook of middle school-ish.

so i keep getting distracted while writing this. and i forgot that i was until kenneth just reminded me to update my blog.
so i'll just post it as is and we'll see how that goes...

haha, the endd.

moral of the story: i love music. and how much a language can change.

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