
yesterday, all of my troubles seemed so far away

and this is the part of life i like to call: everything's going right

i wish i could just sit and think. i wish i could just sit and write tremendous stories like i used to.
(what i used to write wasn't tremendous... but i spent a lot of time of things. and i loved them at the time. and they were really well written.)
i used to be an avid writer. i used to aspire to be an author.
i guess that's partly why i took level 4 english. i thought that there would be some creative writing involved... but nope. mostly essays. it's okay though, because i'm definitely without a doubt taking creative writing. maybe if i'm forced into writing stories i'll fall in love with it again.

that's an interesting phrase... falling in love with an action or an inanimate object. we all say it. what does it really mean?

i've been day dreaming about driving now. i'm just extremely ready to be able to go places. i mean, i like my house and everything, but i'd like to leave. often.

it's not like i'm going to have a car though...
that's the annoying thing. it's also annoying that people's parents buy them cars. i feel like that's an experience that you need to do on your own.

here comes the sun and i say
it's alright.

i made my christmas list today. which makes me sound hypocritical... but this is the one time of the year where parents buy their children things because it's tradition. santa's in the picture to of course...
i feel like the holiday shouldn't even be called christmas anymore. it's lost it's real meaning. i'll probably write about that more towards christmas or when people are going crazy to buy things.
i think i'll buy things for my kids on the 26th. (ha, but probably not.)

moral of the story: don't love inanimate objects? (i don't even know where that came in...)

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