
& we learn, & we grow, & we move on

what would you do if i just walked up to you and told you that i've always loved you?
exactly, that's so awkward. i can't even explain it.

i just wanna show you
she don't even know you
she's never gonna love you
like i want to.

such sappy taylor swift songs.
why do i suck at liking good music?

you know what's interesting?
how many preconceived notions we have about people/artists/anything
our minds are already made up. we already have our opinions and there's little room for change.
so here's a challenge: try to listen to a song without knowing the artist or talk to someone you already decided you don't like. let's see if your thoughts change.

...so random.
oh, and i made a tumblr. but i don't think i'll give that out. i don't know what i want to do with it yet.

moral of the story: awkward. taylor swift... preconceived notions. tumblr?

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