
did you know you used to be my hero?

it feels like you don't care anymore.
i just want to make you proud.
i'm never gonna be good enough for you.

nothing lasts forever,
i'm sorry i can't be perfect.

this kind of goes back to the whole "why do you completely ignore me when we used to be best friends" thing.
it's hard just to talk to you. but that's normal because i usually can't hold conversations anyway.

we're having chinese food tonight upon my suggestion. so i'm pretty physicked about that (:
what else... oh, scrimmage against memorial on monday. people should actually go to it. you'll get to see me all decked out in goalie gear... whoooot.

ok, i'm going to eat chinese food now (:
moral of the story: totally loosing my train of thought more often now... side-tracked.

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