
rainy day.

so rainy days at sleepy hollow calls for blogging (: and watching movies
and board games... but no one's up for that.
so right now, it's for blogging.
and i just wanted to say that it's been good.
and it's definitely been sooooo ridiculously relaxing.
and it's good to have a break from life for a little while.
this is my vacation right here.

when i get back, i'll have one week left.
one week of sleeping and summer.
and then field hockey starts. :/ it's always nerve-racking. but it'll be worth it in the end.
the week after that, band camp. and field hockey. juggling both things causes for exhausting days.
which also means good nights sleeps. which is good i guess.

so with that one week of summer, i intend to make the most of it.
but right now, it's sleepy hollow time (:

so this is just something i thought i'd bring up.
it's not like i advertise this blog. if you don't want to read it, then don't read it.
if you think i'm boring, why bother reading about my life?
i'm tired of people telling me how to live my life.
so just don't do it.

moral of the story: rainy days at sleepy hollow are still fun, i only have one week of summer left... and don't read my blog if you don't like it (:

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