
well this sucks.

i've had the worst week that i've had in a while.
formspring is ridiculously the greatest thing ever. i love being told that i'm a fat whore and that the person that played the same role as me in the musical last year was better.
but don't get me wrong... i love reading these. seriously
i'm glad to see what people have to say about me

today, i was supposed to go to someone's house to work with our english group on our project.
they texted me at 11:30 saying "you know we're meeting at 11 right?" well guess what, you're a little late. if you wanted to make sure that i was there.. you should've asked before 11. thanks.

i hate feeling like this. i hate feeling like i'm not needed. i hate feeling like people don't like me.
i was told yestarday that everyone likes me (: and i said apparently not... but it's ok. you can't be liked by everyone. not even jesus was loved by everyone.

i'm not perfect and don't claim to be. so before you start pointing fingers, make sure your own hands are clean.

i'm currently watching raise it up. and i really love this movie. i wish syms was really like this (: with everyone playing music outside and joining in.

hopefully the rest of today will be better... what a great start to vacation.

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