
strengths and weaknesses?

in confirmation class tonight, we were asked to write our strengths and weaknesses.
i wrote down my weaknesses without hesitating.
and then it came down to the strengths... and it took my like 5 minutes to come up with one. i wrote "kind" and then took another few minutes to think some more.
and then we were told to think about what jesus would tell us about these qualities.
i wrote that jesus would tell me that i have more strengths than i think i do, which is true.

my mom is my confirmation class teacher. i think it's keeping me from opening up as much as i would otherwise.

i really want to ask what people think my strengths an weaknesses are... but i'm afraid of the results.

biggest fears?
people expressing their real thoughts about me
dieing a painful and early death.
ghosts. (like, no joke.)

this is a weird place to end... but i'm ending it.

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