
today's been interesting

ms. conty taught english. i really like her.
i see myself being like ms. conty when i teach.
just making a lot of references to my life and saying things like "...awkward..."
but we're starting poetry now. and this is always a hard part of the year because i just cannot write stuff like i used to. my imagination used to be awesome. now it's just like "uhhh, i need to sleep."

i also rediscovered john legend and i melt every single time i hear his voice. just like "ahhhhhhhhh"
he did a cover of rolling in the deep and i died. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrQ4njrnnsI
watch it.

if i ever meet someone who sound like a combination of john mayer and john legend i would probs pass out. and then just cry. and then hug them and never let go.

just want to document that i just talked to this kid other than in geometry class for the first time. haha, and not even about school! wawhooo...

i'm going to see the 8th grade musical tomorrow. they're doing seussical. i know a bunch of people in it. and it'll be all nostalgic and stuff. i don't know if i'm going to go next year... don't really know anyone in 7th grade... haha

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