
people ask me why i want to be a teacher

i tell them it's because i want to make a difference in someone's life like teachers have on mine.
and i especially want to be a 5th grade teacher because that year was the most impactful of all.
and maybe i'll have a hard time making money. but i've always wanted to live in an apartment.
and maybe the kids won't like me. but i'll pull through.

it's kind of awesome to know what you want to do with your life. i could change my mind but i don't want to. i like having this course set in front of me.

i hate when people tell me what i'm supposed to be doing with my life.
"SO, when you major in music education..."
"...but abby you'd be good at it."
i don't want to be a music teacher. i also don't want to be a drum major. i'm sorry you can't plan my life for me.


at field hockey tonight my mom counted 20 saves. 20 saves for 6 goals.
a few went through my legs. that's obnoxious.
i only blame myself. it's literally no one else's fault when that happens.
but i've gotten better. and that's what matters.

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