
when will i be enough?

i went to youthfest yestarday.
if you don't know what that is, it's basically a whole bunch of teenage catholics getting together in the arena at Saint A's to worship Jesus and stuff.
most people go against their will for credits for confirmation.

i think it's so stupid that people are forced to make their confirmation.
their parents just need to understand that it's their decision.
it would make classes SOO much more enjoyable if people were there because THEY wanted to be.

ughhh. that annoys me.

anyway, one of the speakers was so on fire for jesus.
and i want to be like that
and she said "a lot of people don't get told often enough that they're beautiful and a child of God and they're perfect in God's image."
she talked about how she'd ask people if their parents ever told them how beautiful they were and the people would start balling.

i feel like i'm not good enough for my parents.
every time we get a report card or anything my dad says "is that the best you could do?" (jokingly most of the time, but really?)
even if i get straight A's he always has something to say about it.
and my mom is so hard on me when it comes to pitching or anything softball/field hockey/church related.

i need a break from my life
i need to be told that i'm good enough.
i need my parents to tell me that i'm a child of God and i'm perfect in his eyes.
i need to believe that for myself.

moral of the story: youthfest got me thinking about a lot of things.

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