
we all have firsts

my first word: duck my first teacher: mrs. rice
my first crush: tyler corneilier in preschool. haha
first slow dance: 7th grade
first time being on stage: 3rd grade

and there are many others.
something that will always be remembered, is one of my first songs.
i wrote it with my neighbor jess.
i was in 4th grade, she was in 5th.
jess is quite the looker (: so she had had her share of boyrfriends in the past.
i remember the day really accurately. it's one of my favorites.

we were sitting in trees in my backyard.
i had watched all grown up that day and started singing a song that suzie sang.
jess is a poet. she always has been.
she added to the song and we made it our own.
we tried to memorize it, but i ended up running back to get paper and a pencil.
we wrote down the lyrics and i still have them to this day.

my favorite part has to be
you haven't made your move yet,
so i guess i'll give up
that goes to use 'cause i'm not trying to impress you now

i love that even as a 4th grade girl, i knew not to change myself for a guy.
for some guy that didn't like me the way i am and was.
to this day, i haven't changed for anyone else.
the changed that have been made were for me.

that picture up there is me in 7th grade. a lot has happened to me since then
a lot of maturing has gone on
a lot of new people have been met
and a lot of learning also

but i've remained me throughout.
and that's what really matters.

moral of the story: growing up

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