
moral of the story: i need to stop saying "homie" to describe people.
the enddd


the end of an era.

people make fun of me, but whatever.
even though i technically just started watching it this year, lost is the craziest and greatest show i've ever seen.
and it was so well written!

now my tuesday nights will be filled with gLee madness.
which isn't necessarily a bad thing...
but i'll miss my lost ):

moral of the story: ): lost.


"4 i would rather be stricken blind

than 2 live without expression of mind" yay Tupac!
i was told that i didn't "seem like a Tupac person"
and upon being asked what a "Tupac person" was, i got a response of "not you"

now, i'm sure this wasn't meant to be harmful.
especially because the person that said it would never intentionally hurt my feelings.
(not that he did.)
anyway, i think anyone can be a "Tupac person" if they appreciate his words.

sorry for double teaming you.
initially, i didn't want to write two blogs.
but after that first one, i just decided that continuing it wouldn't be to much fun for you.
you being whoever actually reads this.
(hi denise!)

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my birthday is in 7 days.
in 7 days from now i will finally be 15.
and in november, i will finally be able to start driving.
and then i'll get a job.
and life will fly by.
this is crazy.

moral of the story: tupac. birthday(:

we all have firsts

my first word: duck my first teacher: mrs. rice
my first crush: tyler corneilier in preschool. haha
first slow dance: 7th grade
first time being on stage: 3rd grade

and there are many others.
something that will always be remembered, is one of my first songs.
i wrote it with my neighbor jess.
i was in 4th grade, she was in 5th.
jess is quite the looker (: so she had had her share of boyrfriends in the past.
i remember the day really accurately. it's one of my favorites.

we were sitting in trees in my backyard.
i had watched all grown up that day and started singing a song that suzie sang.
jess is a poet. she always has been.
she added to the song and we made it our own.
we tried to memorize it, but i ended up running back to get paper and a pencil.
we wrote down the lyrics and i still have them to this day.

my favorite part has to be
you haven't made your move yet,
so i guess i'll give up
that goes to use 'cause i'm not trying to impress you now

i love that even as a 4th grade girl, i knew not to change myself for a guy.
for some guy that didn't like me the way i am and was.
to this day, i haven't changed for anyone else.
the changed that have been made were for me.

that picture up there is me in 7th grade. a lot has happened to me since then
a lot of maturing has gone on
a lot of new people have been met
and a lot of learning also

but i've remained me throughout.
and that's what really matters.

moral of the story: growing up


this city, so pretty

hi my name is abby and you know what i got? (what do you got?)
i got a team that is totally hot! (:

we totes owned the other team.
but they were all about 10... not really. but they were tiny

but, i feel incomplete.
i feel like i should be happier about the win
i definitely didn't play my best
and that's disappointing because i feel like i didn't contribute to the win
STOP ABBY. stop finding excuses from being happy.

i'm just so stressed right now.
i need to start my rough draft.
i need to do my science homework and stop slacking.
i need to straighten my life out. starting now

moral of the story: we won a game?! and destress.


hi, stop playing favorites. bye

dearest coach:
way to put me down every single game. thanks. i really appreciate it.
when you take me out from pitching and then say "ok, so-and-so's pitching now and the other team can hit it" it's basically like saying "hey abby. you suck. why do you even play?"

i have an issue with losing.
i have an issue with getting out.
i have an issue with my coach.
i have an issue with not even scoring.

it's like field hockey all over again
this can't happen
i would love to be on a good team just once in my life.

(i'm so sorry if you're on any of my teams. it's not all you. it's not all me. it's a group effort.)

i have an issue with coming home and everyone asking how it went.
can you just tell by my attitude that i really don't want to talk to you right now?

ok, sorry.
i'm done venting know.

this sucks because i had such a good blog planned out but i'm really not in the mood.

moral of the story: sports got stressful; along with the rest of my life.


there's room for two six feet under the stars

so, i usually pull up itunes and pick a lyrics from whichever song comes up first.
but i opened itunes and songs came up that i already quoted.
so i was like "oh gosh! what shall i do?!"
and then this one came up
and i really like it (:
and i want to sit with someone under the stars♥
(i just epically failed at spelling stars...)

threee episodes left mother truckers!!!
what if your mother was actually a trucker?
is it stereotypically to say that she'd be rather manly?
should i just not have brought that up?
important questions...

i don't like the word that people use that rhymes with trucker.
it's not pleasant and just sounds like it needs to be cleaned.

i'm not really sure why i wanted to write.
maybe because i haven't in awhile?
sorry guys!

i know i have soo many avid readers... haha

moral of the story: lost is on tonight!


so stressed out.

i almost threw up in english today. i was soooo nervous.
and i'll be nervous again tomorrow.
and everyday until this paper is done.
GAHH. so difficult.

so, i'm the only one in the clarinet section that can "double tongue".
barely. but whatever.

the mamalicious week on abc family is sponsered by hover...
i think that's rather sexist.

umm, i only go on here when i'm either procrastinating or venting.
and that's like everyday.


ok, so a lot of pressure has been put on me to be a drum major.
i really just don't want to do it.
and it's my decision.
so people need to chill out and stop being disappointed in me
i do the best i can.

moral of the story: a lot of stress. always.


ok really?

seriously, it would be appreciated if you stopped thinking about just yourself for once.
we are a family.
we do things for eachother because we love eachother.
my mom and i do all the chores in the house and you get home and do NOTHING.
yes, you make all of the money for the family
yes, your work is stressful.
my mother does EVERYTHING for us.
you need to appreciate that.
how about when we're gone, you learn how to make dinner for us.
you love to cook.
what's holding you back?

all you do is sit on the couch and watch t.v. for like 6 hours and then go to bed.
i don't have a real relationship with you.
and i really want one.
how about you stop asking me to do things every once in awhile and think about what could be done for everyone else.

we had a game tonight.
we weren't home. (you should've figured that out.)
we left at 5:10.
you really think that we ate dinner?

i'm sorry that this sounds ridiculous to you guys.
but it's not the first time it happened.
and i can't explain to you why i get so upset about it.

i'm pretty sure it's all this stress boiling over (finally).

summer couldn't come any sooner.

moral of the story: sometimes my family gets frustrating.


when will i be enough?

i went to youthfest yestarday.
if you don't know what that is, it's basically a whole bunch of teenage catholics getting together in the arena at Saint A's to worship Jesus and stuff.
most people go against their will for credits for confirmation.

i think it's so stupid that people are forced to make their confirmation.
their parents just need to understand that it's their decision.
it would make classes SOO much more enjoyable if people were there because THEY wanted to be.

ughhh. that annoys me.

anyway, one of the speakers was so on fire for jesus.
and i want to be like that
and she said "a lot of people don't get told often enough that they're beautiful and a child of God and they're perfect in God's image."
she talked about how she'd ask people if their parents ever told them how beautiful they were and the people would start balling.

i feel like i'm not good enough for my parents.
every time we get a report card or anything my dad says "is that the best you could do?" (jokingly most of the time, but really?)
even if i get straight A's he always has something to say about it.
and my mom is so hard on me when it comes to pitching or anything softball/field hockey/church related.

i need a break from my life
i need to be told that i'm good enough.
i need my parents to tell me that i'm a child of God and i'm perfect in his eyes.
i need to believe that for myself.

moral of the story: youthfest got me thinking about a lot of things.