
olivia's a better blogger than me

haha (:

so summer.
friday right after band stupidness i went shopping for 5 hours... no big deal.
and then saturday we had a campfire. and s'mores. there was lightning going on far away and fireflies were out.
three different light shows at once. it was gorgeous and i loved every minute of it.

and today, for father's day we had a cookout. and then strawberry shortcake. and it was yummmyyy.

catz catz catz. crying over catz. i can't hug every cat!
(LULWAT?) i don't even know guys. it's that video thing.

tomorrow is being proud of larry day. because he's doing a recital. he just plays perfectly, no big deal.
tomorrow's also field hockey day? ish? that's cool bro. i like that sport.

gotta start that plan sometime too. that running plan. yeah...
the thing is, i like running. and i wish i were better at it. it's just so much work to get myself to go. mehhh.

okay. you're all beautiful.
blogging gets harder when i have nothing to say... especially during the summer when those moments come more frequently. that's usually when my brain starts to walk away from me...

(i also have 5 books to read this summer. one of which is in french. no big deal.)

no big deal count: 3

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