
3 miles in 30 minutes

and i’m proud.
i hate to even say this but freshman year my mile time was like 15 minutes. you could walk that fast…
to get down to even 10 minutes has been a struggle and now i’m running 3ish miles straight

i don’t want to hear that you time is so much better than that. i don’t want to hear that you just ran 8 miles today. 3 miles and 30 minutes is outstanding and i’m proud of myself.

just try and bring me down


good things.

cleared things up and now i don't have to think about them anymore.
paul baribeau. starting today. his lyrics... i just...
lyrics are what i listen to in songs. that over anything is most important.
and then the voices. and then the musical talent. unless it's an instrumental...


we are young, we run free

Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright,
We wake up, we go out, smoke a fag,
Put it out, see our friends,
See the sights, feel alright,

Are we like you?
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our worlds,

But we are young, we get by,
Can't go mad, ain't got time,
Sleep around, if we like,
But we're alright,
Got some cash, bought some wheels,
Took it out, 'cross the fields,
Lost control, hit a wall,
But we're alright,

Are we like you,
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our worlds,

But we are young, we run free,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright,

Are we like you,
I can't be sure,
Of the scene, as she turns,
We are strange in our world,

But we are young, we run free,
Keep our teeth, nice and clean,
See our friends, see the sights, feel alright.

-Alright by Supergrass

i don't find things awkward anymore


maybe this time, i'll be lucky

it's gonna happen, happen sometime.
maybe this time i'll win.

sometimes i sit and i think.
i think about what it would be like if i took more chances.
if i didn't try hard.
if i didn't sit in my room at night like a good child.
i think about how it would feel to just run free.
i really wish someone would run with me.

insert nora jones "come away with me" ?

but other than that...

AHHH, i just want to go and take chances and stuff. but the repercussions scare me.


i can sit outside for 5 minutes or 3 hours and either get no color or very red.
being 75% irish is annoying.
where's that tiny bit of portuguese? i wish my skin got some color... whatever.


olivia's a better blogger than me

haha (:

so summer.
friday right after band stupidness i went shopping for 5 hours... no big deal.
and then saturday we had a campfire. and s'mores. there was lightning going on far away and fireflies were out.
three different light shows at once. it was gorgeous and i loved every minute of it.

and today, for father's day we had a cookout. and then strawberry shortcake. and it was yummmyyy.

catz catz catz. crying over catz. i can't hug every cat!
(LULWAT?) i don't even know guys. it's that video thing.

tomorrow is being proud of larry day. because he's doing a recital. he just plays perfectly, no big deal.
tomorrow's also field hockey day? ish? that's cool bro. i like that sport.

gotta start that plan sometime too. that running plan. yeah...
the thing is, i like running. and i wish i were better at it. it's just so much work to get myself to go. mehhh.

okay. you're all beautiful.
blogging gets harder when i have nothing to say... especially during the summer when those moments come more frequently. that's usually when my brain starts to walk away from me...

(i also have 5 books to read this summer. one of which is in french. no big deal.)

no big deal count: 3


bio and english finals tomorrow

everything's just ending so quickly. summer means getting a job and i don't really want to do that... you know?

not as inspired as i was yesterday... i started writing a blog post and then i was like "ehh, i'm tired." so i slept. typical.

graduation was sad. a lot better than i expected, but still completely sad.

right under my feet is air, made of bricks that pulls me down; turns me weak for you...
which forgive you each time without me knowing, they melt my heart to stone.
and i hear your words that i made up,
you say my name like there could be an us
i best tidy up my head i'm the only one in love, i'm the only one in love.

so that song... yeah. that song.

tuned the band for the first time on class day. that was fun... tuned everyone sharp.
hahaha, like i would. whatever. it was hot.
tuned the band for the second time at graduation. not sharp. sweet.

i'm just full of good stories today...


first of all, sorry for blog neglect.

now i have something to write about.
in english we're doing this project where we're basically writing a play for the entire year. no big deal right? ha, yeah.

so our class obviously has way too many leaders and there's a few people who took it upon themselves to decide that tomorrow everything needs to get accomplished.
obviously that's possible right?
not really. we have 27 people with about 300 different personalities. we never stay on track and there's too many different conversations going on. it's honestly stressful.

i'm just annoyed right now because a small group of people thought it would be cool to give every other group a due date of tomorrow. you can't do that with 7 hours left in a day. people don't check facebook everyday. people won't do this. i know it for a fact. so they can't even get mad when it happens because i totally called it.