
we just write and play and write and play and...

and this is the part of life i like to call: already knowing when a weekend is going to be stressful on tuesday.

i was aware of everything that i had to do so right now i'm just like "ehh, whatever.."

you know that feeling when you have something to say and you're super excited about it but when you go to say it it just disappears from your mind?
feeling that. right now.

so about the title; it's a meg and dia song. like, that's obvious at this point.
also, by "play" i'm totally talking about playing music. because that's what this weekend will consist of: writing and playing music.

on friday we were assigned a super secret project in english.
we could work by ourselves, in pairs, or in groups of three.
i chose to work by myself to avoid having people feel sorry for not having room in their group for me.
i work better on my own anyway.
but as i was sitting in class working on this project and i saw who was working where the first thing i wrote on my paper was "typical."

let me tell you something about level four english classes.
there are a lot of different kinds of people in there. there's the people who are complete over-achievers, there's the achievers, and then there's the people who don't really belong in the class but i guess they just wanted all the extra work.

but anyway, the groups that our class forms are always the same. i try to be in a different one occasionally because i would get tired of working with the same people. but that's just me.
it's nothing personal, i just work better with different groups of people.
i also like to have a different role in different groups of people. sometimes i become a leader if i notice a lack of leadership. sometimes i'll just follow along in the background. most of the time i'm in the middle and try my best to keep everything under control.

but who wants to read a blog about how english classes work?

basically in the course of 48 hours i'll be presenting an economics project. i'm not even done my portfolio. i'm going to finish that part tonight.
tomorrow i'll be working entirely on the presentation and then in the mere hours i'll have left i'll write another lousy english paper.

my research paper better kick some butt.

moral of the story: and i'm feeling good.

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