
i'm bored of your random all over the place attitude

and this is the part of life i like to call: actually formatting a blog for once.

this is going to be a combination of things i said i would continue to do but haven't...

so, anonymous shout-outs!

1.when i'm on the bus, all i want to do is listen to music and not communicate with people at all... you make this very difficult. especially in the morning. i just don't want to deal with that. and i just want to relax. also, sometimes you're overly nice and it turns a little obnoxious. like, you're overly friendly. usually this wouldn't be a problem, because i like friendly people, but i kind of find you annoying sometimes. sorry.

2. even mentioning this is against the rules, but so many people i know are following me on tumblr. it's annoying. when did they even get tumblrs? i'm so confused. this website used to be really secure and private and stuff. now it's like "hey, this is becoming facebook!" not cool.

3. so basically, this one's for multiple people.
how about we listen to what people are asking so that we don't ask the same question 5 times in one mod? i know we all love the class and want to be there but let's make it less ridiculous for the people that actually want to hear what the teacher is saying? thanks.

4. sometimes the things that you say really do bother me. and maybe it's because i don't have as big of a self-esteem as you. or maybe it's because i'm constantly getting attacked by you and can't defend myself. but it's just starting to hurt lately. and i don't appreciate it. even though i know that you're kidding.

so four's good.
also, for my benefit, i need to write what needs to get accomplished eventually.
- portfolio for economics.
- start omam paper
- take a shower
- possibly straighten my hair?
- make sure my alarm works.
- do bio lab.
- go christmas shopping/get candy canes for everyone.
- go to megan's game
- finish economics project
- finish paper

no big deal.

Did you think about what I said last night?
Knowing you, you probably didn't.
I could picture your face on the other side.
Completely oblivious.
Do you really feel like this love is real?
I wish I could join you.

I'm bored of your love
I'm bored of your face
I'm bored of your random all
over the place attitude
I'm bored of you

So, I thought about what you said last night
Normally I probably wouldn't
But something you said kept me up all night
I tried to sleep but I just couldn't
I hope you still feel like
this love is for real
'Cause I know that I do

I'm in love with your love
In love with your face
In love with almost everything that you say
Yes it's true
I'm in love with you

so yeah, this has been good.
moral of the story: just getting back to normal stuff.

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