
let's get down to business

i'm really tired...
and i still have homework to do.
but i'm going to write a blog anyway!

we have this huge research paper due at the end of the year...
but wadleigh gives us homework on top of that... so we don't have time
she's always like "manage your time!"

so basically, if you don't do extra than what you're told, she thinks you're an underachiever.

don't get me wrong... i love this english class.
but seriously... just because it's a level four class doesn't mean that we're still just freshmen.
like, give us a break.

it's funny how when you're younger, you just want to stay up all the time.
but when you're older, all you want is sleep.

the eighth grade musical is tomorrow and friday! (:
i was co-lead last year (we had two casts)
and i love our music department sooo much.
it's wonderful (:

and i miss all of my eighth graders ): and i can't wait until next year (:

this blog is smiley-tastic!

tired. sleep. science homework. english homework times 5.

(no, that is not an acronym...{i'm too lazy to come up with one... and this one is long.})

moral of the story: school is getting harder.
smiley face count: 4

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