
1st "chapter"

Everything that has ever happened in my life has definitely had a purpose. "The people and places you are about to see are real... at least the way i see it" (my life as liz). This is how i live my life for those of you who are actually interested...

My name is Abby Desharnais... but you already know that. I was born on the wonderful day of May 27th in the year of 1995. (if you're a complete stranger... please don't go stalking me. thanks.) That makes me almost 15. My mom's water broke at exactly midnight on my exact due date. Whether it's because of this or not... i'm always on time to everything. I actually get upset if i'm late. I think i have some sort of automatic censor that t=lets me now what time it is.

My family is portuguese, irish, french, and other stuff that i don't remember. I mostly got the irish genes... so my skin is really fair and i burn easily. It's not fun... but i'm used to it. My mom comes from a family of twelve (including the parents) and my dad from a family of ten (including the parents.) yes, i do have a big family thanks fro asking.

I've lived in the same town my entire life and i really love it here. I've come to realize that everyone is so friendly and wonderful and everyone knows eachother (:

my mom is a children's librarian and always has been since i've been born. she knows EVERYONE.

I'm not exactly sure what my dad does... but he works on things for army planes.

they are both wonderful and i couldn't live without them.

my brothers are the greatest ever (: corey is 23 and jake is 19. Yes, i'm the baby of the family. they're always there for me and i couldn't ask for better ones.

My childhood was absolutely the greatest there could be. and i never complain about it. i had so many friends and played outside all day everyday no matter what the weather was like (:

i introduced you to tyler earlier. he was my first friend. maggie and christine are in that category as well. we were a big quartet of friends (:

i'm still friends with maggie and christine to this day. i'm not sure how many other people can say the same. i've had the same friends from 1998 to 2010 and counting. (:

ok, so that's the first part. i didn't really end it... but whatever.

i thought i'd spice this up with some colors... my actual blog started looking boring.

random thought of the day: does anyone know why we can't underline? it kind of bugs me...

next chapter coming soon.

moral of the story: i started an autobiography... it wasn't what i thought it would be. sometimes things don't turn out the way we plan.

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