
&+ i had the best day with you today

wiffle ball partayyyyy (:
freshmen parties...
band kid parties...
no drinking
no drugs
just pure hardcore fun (:

oh yeah, kenneth and grant went too (:
we never got a picture of all of us...

honestly, it's so great that we can have fun without any of that stuff. WE'RE the cool kids. WE'RE the ones that people should hang out with.

i think it's the stupidest thing ever that kids from my small town middle school drink and smoke.
honestly? how old are you. grow up and realize that people don't care.
and people WON'T care.
and the people that care aren't who you should hang out with.
hang out with the ones who are a good influence.

so anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that i actually had a good day this vacation. because this is the first good one...

and tomorrow? i'll be doing homework.
yay school.

moral of the story: just some genuine hardcore wiffleball fun (:

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