
i guess this is how it's going to be

my first friend to turn 16: aidan. dude. in 19 minutes (it's 11:41 pm) he will be 16. i guess this is the beginning of insanity soon everyone will be driving soon we'll all have jobs soon we won't see eachother as much soon, everything will change. my life has been on the same track for like 4 years now.
i'm ready to take a step off the track and make my own trail

the road not taken.
"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference" (Robert Frost).

he's a genius.

15 minutes now.

i feel like i'm counting down until life truly begins.
we've had it easy until now
now we're going to have to work for what we want
finally people will realize what i've been taught my whole life.
this is a good thing right?

10 minutes.
it's just the beginning

moral of the story: birthdays are getting more and more dramatic.


&+ i had the best day with you today

wiffle ball partayyyyy (:
freshmen parties...
band kid parties...
no drinking
no drugs
just pure hardcore fun (:

oh yeah, kenneth and grant went too (:
we never got a picture of all of us...

honestly, it's so great that we can have fun without any of that stuff. WE'RE the cool kids. WE'RE the ones that people should hang out with.

i think it's the stupidest thing ever that kids from my small town middle school drink and smoke.
honestly? how old are you. grow up and realize that people don't care.
and people WON'T care.
and the people that care aren't who you should hang out with.
hang out with the ones who are a good influence.

so anyway, just wanted to let you guys know that i actually had a good day this vacation. because this is the first good one...

and tomorrow? i'll be doing homework.
yay school.

moral of the story: just some genuine hardcore wiffleball fun (:


it shouldn't be this cold in april.

the only thing i really miss about the past is how easy everything was.
i mean, when you're little you have no worries.
the only thing that really makes you mad is not staying up late
and not getting what you want.

growing up, more things bother us.
and obviously we have our days where we just can't talk to anyone without snapping.
the whole snapping thing isn't too enjoyable.

so anyway,
it's vacation.
i'm not really too excited.
i haven't been anywhere other than new england since 6th grade.
and i really want to get out of here.
and it's cold and yucky.
and april is supposed to be beautiful and a little rainy.
i just need to leave new hampshire.

my fingers are freezing up.
i hate being cold.
i need to go get my snuggie on (:

moral of the story: it's cold. and life was easier when i was younger... but i think that's true with most people.


because denise told me to...

"abby, you should update your blog." -denise
"you should update your mom!" -mikayla
^best one i've heard so far (:
yay lunch (:

shoutout to denise!
hope your mouth is feeling better.
that sounds really inappropriate.. but she got surgery people.

ok, so the hypnotist is tonight and i'm really looking forward to it!
i heard it was hilarious last year, so hopefully he'll do more this year

i don't really have anything to say..
not feeling the inspiration.

yayyyyyy (:

moral of the story: good your mom jokes make me cry with laughter, this blog was totally for denise. no inspiration suckss. and timelines make things seem closer than they are.


'cause when a heart breaks, no it don't break even

^i love that song.

over february vacation ( i think) i went on itunes and noticed that i didn't have any money from gift cards left. but i decided to buy songs anyway. i only bought five and i was amazed that i could actually buy them! i thought it was a glitch and i was getting songs for free.
turns out, i was putting money on my dad's credit card... whoops :/
but it's ok, i payed him off the next day.

so anyway, i don't like getting songs illegally. i feel like every time i listen to them it's wrong.
my brother's do it all the time.. which explains their three thousand or so songs.

and would explain my like 300.
moral of the story? i like to buy my songs from itunes. it feels right.

update: research paper is due june 1st. i'm really scared.
i really want an A on this paper... but it won't happen. i'm already off to a bad start. i only have like three sources. i just need to take a class on time management.

i got a B in science. that was the worst grade on my report card. which is weird because my math grade is always lower. but i got an A in math. YAY MRS. MILLER!

do you know what bugs me? people that think i'm the smartest person ever.
i get good grades because i TRY to get good grades. you have to pull your own weight.

something else that bugs me: people that announce their grade (on English in class writings) and then asks for EVERYONE else's grade. i've noticed that everyone in my level 4 classes think that everything is a competition. they have to check up on how other people are doing so they know if they have to try harder.
school isn't a competition. do your own best. don't wait for people to get in front of you in rank.
guess what level 4 kids: colleges don't care about your rank.

non school time:
-i'm scared about our softball team this year. there's a lot of tension between girls. i think we need a sleepover and everyone has to write what they think about everyone. annonymously.
-i can't tell the difference between friendship and something more. i hate it and it's confusing. gjbsdhlghablsfihbgldfibn
-the notebook is on my top 10 favorite movie list.

my top ten favorite movie list: (as of 2010)
1. beauty and the beast (obviously)
2. mulan
3. lion king
4. little mermaid (yay disney) (:
5. elf
6. the notebook
7. where the heart is
8. horton hears a who!
9. i am sam (saddest ever.)
10. across the universe

i'm classifying 2010 as the bagel bite year. because i've had those for dinner about 7 times per month.

wilderness camp counselor meeting april 30th (: yayyyyy

OH! how could i forget!
i have to write this letter to my priest saying why i should be recommended for confirmation.
it's obvious that out of my whole class of thirty something kids, there are like five people that actually WANT to get confirmed for them. not for their parents. not for their family. not because they're being forced to. because they WANT this.

that's what i'm writing in my letter. i want this for me.

oh, and today i got told via formspring that someone else reads my blog (:
so hi formspringer!

moral of the story: this whole blog was purple except for this. i don't like pirating songs. grades are important to me. movie list. 2010 = bagel bite year. and a letter for confirmation. oh, and random shoutouts!


oh.. just kidding

ok, so i'm not writing an auto biography anymore. and i may just delete that last post.
i just felt kind of dumb writing it.
it was a spur of the moment thing in my study hall one day so i was like "yeah, let's blog it!"
but it just didn't work out how i wanted it to.

so anyway, i've been having a really weird day.
but i don't even know how to explain it so i won't.

and it's not like anyone reads this anyway.

moral of the story: sometimes i just get silly ideas.


let's get down to business

i'm really tired...
and i still have homework to do.
but i'm going to write a blog anyway!

we have this huge research paper due at the end of the year...
but wadleigh gives us homework on top of that... so we don't have time
she's always like "manage your time!"

so basically, if you don't do extra than what you're told, she thinks you're an underachiever.

don't get me wrong... i love this english class.
but seriously... just because it's a level four class doesn't mean that we're still just freshmen.
like, give us a break.

it's funny how when you're younger, you just want to stay up all the time.
but when you're older, all you want is sleep.

the eighth grade musical is tomorrow and friday! (:
i was co-lead last year (we had two casts)
and i love our music department sooo much.
it's wonderful (:

and i miss all of my eighth graders ): and i can't wait until next year (:

this blog is smiley-tastic!

tired. sleep. science homework. english homework times 5.

(no, that is not an acronym...{i'm too lazy to come up with one... and this one is long.})

moral of the story: school is getting harder.
smiley face count: 4


1st "chapter"

Everything that has ever happened in my life has definitely had a purpose. "The people and places you are about to see are real... at least the way i see it" (my life as liz). This is how i live my life for those of you who are actually interested...

My name is Abby Desharnais... but you already know that. I was born on the wonderful day of May 27th in the year of 1995. (if you're a complete stranger... please don't go stalking me. thanks.) That makes me almost 15. My mom's water broke at exactly midnight on my exact due date. Whether it's because of this or not... i'm always on time to everything. I actually get upset if i'm late. I think i have some sort of automatic censor that t=lets me now what time it is.

My family is portuguese, irish, french, and other stuff that i don't remember. I mostly got the irish genes... so my skin is really fair and i burn easily. It's not fun... but i'm used to it. My mom comes from a family of twelve (including the parents) and my dad from a family of ten (including the parents.) yes, i do have a big family thanks fro asking.

I've lived in the same town my entire life and i really love it here. I've come to realize that everyone is so friendly and wonderful and everyone knows eachother (:

my mom is a children's librarian and always has been since i've been born. she knows EVERYONE.

I'm not exactly sure what my dad does... but he works on things for army planes.

they are both wonderful and i couldn't live without them.

my brothers are the greatest ever (: corey is 23 and jake is 19. Yes, i'm the baby of the family. they're always there for me and i couldn't ask for better ones.

My childhood was absolutely the greatest there could be. and i never complain about it. i had so many friends and played outside all day everyday no matter what the weather was like (:

i introduced you to tyler earlier. he was my first friend. maggie and christine are in that category as well. we were a big quartet of friends (:

i'm still friends with maggie and christine to this day. i'm not sure how many other people can say the same. i've had the same friends from 1998 to 2010 and counting. (:

ok, so that's the first part. i didn't really end it... but whatever.

i thought i'd spice this up with some colors... my actual blog started looking boring.

random thought of the day: does anyone know why we can't underline? it kind of bugs me...

next chapter coming soon.

moral of the story: i started an autobiography... it wasn't what i thought it would be. sometimes things don't turn out the way we plan.


ok so like yeah

i'm going to write an auto biography here.
just in case people were wondering.
and it'll have different installments that will be like "chapters"
the first "chapter" will be up later tonight maybe?

if no one reads this... it'll be pointless. so please do (:

moral of the story: i just got an idea one day...