

sorry about the complete randomness of my last blog.
and i promise i wasn't trying to mock anyone if that's what it seemed like.

this year's resolutions:
be myself; don't let anyone control my thoughts.
open up to people more often.
blog more (:
actually pass my civics midterm; because i'm going to do my best in that class now. (no more "trying my best." mrs. ferro's right... if you "try" your best you'll never be your best. you'll just say "oh, at least i tried.." no more.)
live up to people's expectations of me; but don't be afraid to fail.
stop judging.
and most importantly...

no regrets. ever.

and another thing... stop criticizing yourself.
sure, people will judge. you just have to love yourself.
and know that the people that like you, will like you. don't try to impress other people.

make 2010 the best year yet (:

"if we wish at 11:11 on 11/11/11, then on 12/21/12 we'll be ok." (:
oh yeah.. and stop joining so many groups on facebook!

happy new year (:

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