
and nobody can bring me down

i still have a lot of work to do.
homework-wise and on myself.
but i'm learning, and i'm getting there.
please stick with me to the finish... i need you

it is sooo cold in my room. is this symbolic in any way? my life is cold?
i have a cold. my room probably gave it to me.

that just reminded me on in 5th grade.. we used to say "awesome possum!" all the time. coolest. kids. you'll. ever. meet. :]

5th grade taught me a lot of things about life.
i had 2 really great teachers, but then again i've always had good teachers.
i think the main thing i really dislike about freshman year is how everything changed.

"everything's going to change now isn't it?"
"yes, it is."
(that's from harry potter 3) :]

anywayyy, pep rally tomorrow... being mocked for the grade level i'm in.
the last one sucked anyway. i should just get jake to pick me up, ha

really sick and tired of this week. it was endless. thank the good lord that it's friday tomorrow. tuesday seemed like friday. so this week has extended it's stay. you're not welcome here anymore week of december 14th. move along.

so cold in my room. i think i said this already, whatever.

and that's all she wrote.

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