
sometimes it seems that the going is just too rough

and things go wrong no matter what i do.

can i just say that while this month has been great, the amount of suckage in this month is much greater than others.

i just don't understand how things can be going so right and then turn so terribly wrong.

my grandfather died this morning of alzheimer's. his birthday is this friday. he'd had alzheimer's for 5ish years. when he was first diagnosed i remember going to visit and not fully understanding why he didn't know who i was or why he was uncomfortable to hug me. now i know that it's because i was a stranger.
my grandmother is apparently very down. she's never been alone in her life. she visited him every day in the nursing homes. i just worry about her.

my dad cried in front of me for the first time. that made me cry. i'm not expecting him to be strong. he came home today and walked in my room and asked if he could hug me. when did we get to this point in our relationship where he has to ask to do that? i'm really grateful to have him in my life. i have probably the most supportive and incredible family.

i don't know how to deal with death. there has been so much of it this month. it's funny how when this season comes around and the plants start to die and everything starts to slow down that death is just so prominent. it's almost fitting in a weird way.

i'm not too incredibly shaken up which worries me. i mean, i've been anticipating this day for 5 years.

alzheimer's is such a depressing thing. to think that your brain is slowly losing all of its memories and abilities and eventually leading to your death. that is the slowest way to die.
at least now Papa is whole again. he's probably up there looking down at us and seeing how much we've grown in the five years he's been gone. i hope he's proud of who we've become.

it's so stupid of me, but i'm being very selfish here. the wake is scheduled for friday afternoon and i will most likely miss school for it. on top of missing friday i'm out all of next week for hawaii. and friday is an important day to be in school seeing as it's the last day for a week. teacher's planned so many things on friday... i have two test and a paper. and to grab makeup work.
i'm just so unbelievably stressed and i'm so frustrated with myself because that is so selfish.

Rest in Peace Robert Desharnais. there is so much love down here for you. i'm sure you're looking down at all of us with your welcoming smile. i'll miss your hugs and even though you never said much i know that you loved all of us.


but i like to think that at least things can't get any worse

florence <333

okay. here's what's been going on lately.

sport's awards night.
-michelle won the little green! field hockey was repping!
-i won mvp? WHAT?
-my coaches nominated me for the allstate team?! wahttTT??!
-varsity letter <3

allstate audition
-they were running half an hour late. that was the worst part... waiting.
-they called my name. i walked into the room and was super relaxed.
-the speaker told me to play the hardest part of the first song. i sighed because i knew it was going to happen... i did iffy. (the person before me was worse...)
-i did way better on the other stuff.
-i went to play my scales. i forgot how to play the clarinet momentarily... they people were like "uhhh, do you want to try that again?" ... embarrassing.. haha
-my chromatic scale was PERFECT.
-i walked back and was like "k, donee..."

school today
-i made allstate.
-honestly didn't think i would. i am one of 14 clarinets in the state that made it. whoa.
-obama decided that central was a cool place to come to school... playing for him tomorrow. not even going to classes. that's totes okay with me.

after school today
-it's beautiful... no one understands because no one has seen it...
-i need to figure out how to work all of the different modes. i feel like a n00b...

honestly. i don't deserve all of these good things happening to me right now.
i'm just this lazy kid that has really good luck... (if only this applied to history tests...)

i need to go read moby dick and try not to fall asleep. this book is... melville-y..
he's trying to hard to make it an all-american classic. and it's annoying.
a whole chapter describing the color white? really melville? really?

everything's beautiful and nothing hurts.
can we just read vonnegut for the rest of the year?


happiness hit her like a train on the tracks

i have 1 week to perfect my allstate music...
oh no.

i have to read 10 chapters today and tomorrow...
of probably the most boring book in the entire planet.
whoot, amstud...
(i really don't regret it. just... moby dick. and history.)



i didn't go treat or treating this year.
i could've... but i didn't.
i said i had homework, which i do. it's almost 11pm and i've only written one poem that i needed to do.
still have history homework...
still have my brainstorming for the poem...

mr. silveira responded to my email with a smiley face...
i laughed.
i'm sure he's gotten worse test grades.

indoor field hockey game.
we played 4 vs. 4. (our team only had 6 players, theirs only had 3.)
but abby... 6 + 3 is 9.
yeah well... goalie's tend to not matter in winter league.
like, whatever. i had a shutout. it didn't matter...
6-0. whoot.

everything that i'm a part of/was a part of is losing people's interest.
i'm still all for it yet 5 people show up.
i give up.


i give and i give

and i give my all.
and then EVERYTHING is taken from me.

i'm just so sick of it.

i'm no one's first choice. and i'm all alone.

music and history. allstate. bringing up my low c...
things i need to focus on.