
& God only knows what we're fighting for.

i can't give you what you think you gave me
it's time to say goodbye
to turning tables

hi, how's it going?
this weekend i hung out with my only two friends. and almost died from megan basically decapitating me with a lacrosse ball. luckily i had awesome reflexes and ducked just in time.
also, i just rocked at goal, not to brag or anything... haha
but seriously, we played really well. it was great. i needed that.
i've failed both of my lenten things. i'm starting over tomorrow. no facebook.
no red meat. like, seriously. it's an impossible thought in my house. my dad's like "no way man."
also, since we got our progress reports he's like "abby, your grades are scholarship material. and we could use all of the scholarships we can get..." awesome. no pressure.

as of now my top colleges are Keene state, UMaine and UNH. maybe SNHU too... but then i'd just stay home and not even meet anyone...
i'm mainly between Keene and UM though.
i don't have to worry about this yet...

amstud or british author's?
probs amstud... even though i'll die.
maybe every other class will just be easy? ha, funny joke.

so anyway... that's basically what went on this weekend. oh. and the mcms concert. that went well...
slap that tummy fish was better than any of the pieces we actually played...
oh dear. haha

it's all good. i sounded good... haha

okay. shower time. i smell. BYEEE

haha count?: 4. wow.

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