
it's my turn to be brave

and this is the part of life i like to call: more paper writing.

111. does that make this good luck?

anyway, we have to write a biography.
i don't really like assignments like this.
i mean, i don't know who i am.
i don't know my habits yet.
i just know that my name is abby and i don't know where i'm going or how i'm going to get there, but i'm enjoying the ride.

i wish i could just print all of my blogs up and hand that in.
how's this ms. sears?
is this what you wanted?
this is how i really am.
this is who i really am.
this is the type of writing i enjoy.

it's never that simple.

today we had a meeting at play practice.
basically, it was a little youth group.
i miss youth group.
going back wouldn't be a good decision though, for reasons i can't explain.

"Before i formed you in the womb i knew you,
before you were born i dedicated you,
a prophet to the nations i appointed you."
"...Say not 'I am too young.'"
"...Have no fear before them, because i am with you to deliver you, says the Lord."
Jeremiah. chapter 1.

that was our little meeting in a nutshell.
being young doesn't mean you are incapable of greatness.
and don't be afraid because the Lord is there. always.

what else can i talk about...
oh. ok.
Sometimes you just have to hold your head
up high blink away the tears and say goodbye.

so he has a girl friend. which is a good thing.
that way, there will be no getting played.
that way, i won't fall again because there's nothing to fall for.
every conversation we have is just eating me.
obviously he was thinking about me if he wanted to talk to me.
but i had completely forgotten about him.
this was a step in the right direction.
thanks for coming in just as i was walking out.
...i hate this.

and someone on formspring told me that they also start to like people in dreams.
i'm glad i'm not alone.
"and when he's not around, there's something missing in her smile."
that speaks for itself.

...just remember, life goes on.
tomorrow is a new day.

moral of the story: this is my longest blog in a long time.

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