

on this, the 51st blog post on this wonderful tuesday night,
i wanted to write a list about my freshmen year highs and lows.
naturally this was a big year.
and everyone else is writing lists... i thought this was just appropriate

soo, i'll start at 10 and work my way up? ok.

10. jake's leaving
for those who aren't aware, jake is my older brother. my other brother corey went to college four years prior, but jake and i are closer. and him spending more time with me before leaving just made the whole experience harder. but, i knew this was going to happen eventually, and when it did i would have to accept it. i had to realize that we were all older now and things would be a whole lot different. family time wouldn't happen. i would technically be an only child, and i wasn't ready for that. but jake's leaving made me stronger. and as much as i missed him, it was a big part of this year not having him here.

holy moly. hardest time of my life. i had to juggle field hockey and level 4 civics and english (but those come later). this was the first sport i ever played for a school team. i never realized how intense and awesome something could be. this got me into the best shape of my lifeee. and i made a few new friends. it's funny how even the smallest group of people can still separate into cliques, but whatever. even though we lost every game, which in itself was making me stronger as a player, we still pushed through and made a lot of improvement.

8. honors classes
crazy. this was legitimately the hardest experience i've ever been through. middle school didn't prepare me for the work load or effort i would have to put into these classes. civics was by far the hardest class i've ever taken. i just barely passed with a c+. these were also the first tests i had ever bombed. like, major bombed. 50%'s. and that midterm/final honestly made me cry. haha, looking back that's so ridiculous to have done, but it happened. and english, well you guys know how much i stressed over papers and whatnot.

7. first day of school
so, i thought i would be so freaked out. but when the bus came to pick us up, i wasn't nervous at all. i had already been to school for band camp and i knew people from field hockey. i didn't get lost and it honestly wasn't a bad experience. i realized how independent i was and how self-efficient i was. i would do ok off by myself.

6. wednesday's = mcms days
i don't understand why, but i LOVE wednesdays. mcms makes me so happy, and i can't even explain it. it was honestly the highlight of my week. every wednesday i would just get so physicked and couldn't wait.

5. first semester lunch table
we had no idea who was going to be in mod d lunch. but i was with like all of my best friends. fun stuff (: and we went outside and took pictures a lot which was cool.

4. second semester lunch table/megan cleary
a lot of drama went down at this lunch table, but nothing involved me. i loved that alex randomly sat with a bunch of freshmen girls and hated all of us. and i loved when chantal dumped milk on nick's head (honestly the greatest thing ever.) and megan cleary. i don't know how to even explain her. craziest person i've ever had the pleasure to meet and become best friends with. i loved that we had 3 classes in a row together. and i loved her random song singing in study hall (:

3. garrett walker
not going to lie, i've spent so many hours talking to this guy over the past few months that when i'm not i get confused. i'm so glad i met him and randomly started talking to him in like march. i really don't know what else to say about him.

2. kenneth fox.
he is my best friend. i can't explain it. i love our 8 hour phone calls and how he rocks at every instrument ever. and when he sings in his gaston voice... haha
and how his ADD can just liven a conversation up right on the spot. and just everything really. i don't even know how this friendship started, but i'm glad it did. and he's made such an impact in my year and life that i don't know how to explain. he's always there for me and vise-versa. he makes me laugh all the time, no matter my previous mood. and although he's a rather awkward hugger, it's ok because that's just how he is. and he's just my best friend. simple as that.

1. ok, this is a lame way to finish this... band
i love band. i am your stereotypical band geek. i love everything about being in that room and playing clarinet. i love the people and the music we make together. i love the directors and i love ending my day in that room and literally on a good note. i love that everyone can be completely opposite and still play in the same room. we are a family, however dysfunctional that may be. and i cannot wait for next year.

moral of the story:
goodbye freshmen yearr (:

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