
you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one ♥

for me, stresses in life come and go.
i have my days where i freak out at everyone and everything
and i have my days where i am the greatest person you'll ever meet.
some days... i'm both.

today, i really just needed to sleep.
but i woke up at 7:30 so i could go to church and then head to softball practice.
i love softball
it makes me soo happy.
and field hockey got me in such good shape that now i can keep up with everyone else's energy levels and their endurance's.

i should've come home from softball and worked on this paper... but that's not what happened
i got sidetracked... i bet you can guess where.

anyway, so i was talking to this kid, and we both agree that the wad is to blame for everything wrong in our lives. (:
he goes " i get cancer. it's her fault. i get some girl pregnant. it's her fault."
haha (: laughing made this stress a little better.

sorry. i often write about stress from my english papers.
and this is due tomorrow mod a. :/
i need some serious help.

is anyone good at analysis's? (that's really fun to say out loud. try it.)
if you actually tried it... i'll love you forever.

okay, got to get to work.

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