
it's the way you make me feel (:

too bad i don't know how i feel about like anyone.
i've been in these moods lately... where i don't really want to talk to anyone.
and where everything just makes me mad.
but this only happens when i'm at home and not doing anything.

so i can't be around myself anymore?
every day i fight a war against the mirror
can't take the person staring back at me
i'm a hazard to myself
don't let me get me.
i'm my own worst enemy
i wanna be somebody else

thank you pink for putting how i feel into song.

moral of the story: when i'm alone, i start to feel blehhhh.


"nice effort, kid"

first of all.. my name is abby; not kid. thanks
second, i'd just like to say that i've never been the best at anything.
i have my good aspects... but put it all together and i'm never the best.
clarinet player. softball player. field hockey player. singer. dancer. actor. writer. organizer. advice giver.

someone always tops me.
this sounds really selfish... but i'd like to be the best at something just once.

i'm tired of hearing "nice try" or "good effort"
the effort i put across is wayy more than the "best" person on the team or group or whatever.
but i can't ever be the best
or even good.

just decent.

moral of the story: sometimes my thoughts are selfish.


each day is a gift, that's why we call it the present

i actually don't have anything interesting to report.
i've been feeling pretty good recently.

i realized how much my family stalks me on facebook... i don't like it.
like, i get it you're my family. you love me and you want to see what i'm up to.
but there comes a point where they start to get too involved.

this sounds terrible.
facebook is basically a way for them to stay in touch with me other than the 5 times a year we see eachother.

don't get me wrong, i love my family sooo much!

i miss soooo many people. it's ridiculous.
and i've made so many new friends it's ridiculous.

but all of those friends that i never see anymore... i wonder if they even remember me.
all of the people that have moved away from me... i wonder if they even know who i am

my best friend in the whole entire world's name was tyler.
we've known eachother since the beginning of our time.
he moved away before third grade started.
i haven't seen him since.
i haven't really realized how much i miss him
like, i honestly thought i was going to marry this kid.
but nope, haven't talked to him since the day he left before third grade.
and i cried for the rest of that day.

and there was another girl
her name is valerie
she was always superrr pretty.
and she moved.
and i honestly have no idea where she is or what she looks like now.

this wasn't supposed to be a sad one... sorry

on a positive note,
i love you all (:

moral of the story: i guess sometimes we all have a little facebook stalking to do.


i think i'll start it over, where no one knows my name

awww you guys (:
6 followers... sort of (:
if all of you read this, that's awesome!

yeah, this was just to say thank you to the readers...

and that's about it!

moral of the story: sometimes i'm just thankful.


you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one ♥

for me, stresses in life come and go.
i have my days where i freak out at everyone and everything
and i have my days where i am the greatest person you'll ever meet.
some days... i'm both.

today, i really just needed to sleep.
but i woke up at 7:30 so i could go to church and then head to softball practice.
i love softball
it makes me soo happy.
and field hockey got me in such good shape that now i can keep up with everyone else's energy levels and their endurance's.

i should've come home from softball and worked on this paper... but that's not what happened
i got sidetracked... i bet you can guess where.

anyway, so i was talking to this kid, and we both agree that the wad is to blame for everything wrong in our lives. (:
he goes " i get cancer. it's her fault. i get some girl pregnant. it's her fault."
haha (: laughing made this stress a little better.

sorry. i often write about stress from my english papers.
and this is due tomorrow mod a. :/
i need some serious help.

is anyone good at analysis's? (that's really fun to say out loud. try it.)
if you actually tried it... i'll love you forever.

okay, got to get to work.


wow. i feel like a douche and a half.

please forget the whole thing i said about tracey and andy.

and i feel terrible that i even said anything.

time management is a fail with me.
so they offer a class on it?
i would definitely take it.
like, not even joking.


whenever you need me... i'll be there

when the world comes crashing down, i'll be there. don't even question it.
if you ever have a problem, i'll be there.
i may not always help you feel better, but if you need to vent... i'm here. always.

as i've mentioned before, i have a lot of work to do on myself.
i'm not the person i wish i could be.
whether i achieve this goal or not will be solely my responsibility.
but if someone were there for me like i am for anyone else, that would be great.

in all honesty, i don't know if i'm anyone GO TO person. maybe i'm second or third... but never number one. i'm ok with that.

but here's the thing... with all the seconds and thirds, who is my number one?

random day in the life of someone else time:
so i'm going ice skating on friday with tracey and andy i guess?
a.w.k.w.a.r.d. to the 10th power.
i really don't want to be wrapped up in ANOTHER messy love triangle.

get this.
and this is official business here.

i'm done living my life through other people.

i feel like i don't know who i am half of the time.
we've talked about this... and i know i told you that i do know who i am. but i was lieing.
(sorry i always talk to a mysterious person. i guess it's just for me to know?)
and i guess i try to be strong for you... because you need a little more boost than the rest of us.

anyone want to be the pop to my tart?


am i more than you bargained for?

i've been listening to old songs recently and realized that music sucks more and more nowadays.
if anyone remembers the click five, i love you. and you deserve a hug.
they were like the backstreet boys of 2005.

sorry i haven't written in awhile... i've been busy with a HUGE english project.
this should suffice for now...

i promise i'll be back with better and exciting blogs. maybe another guest writer? haha, the huge story was obviously vera.. (:

i'm freaking out about what's ahead
maybe i'll just stay in bed
cuz it's no fun to be the one going out of my head,
so i'll tell it to myself again.

you're looking for something you can't find
if you give it up you'll loose your mind
there's always something in your way
what can you say?
you're gunna have a good day (: