
hi olivia

today was my dad's birthday.
happy birthday to him!

i went to zumba this morning and it made me want a gym membership.
not really zumbaing itself but being at a gym. i want to just use elliptical all the time.
but i need a job first.
so like... i need to start applying places. i'll do that over february vacation.
i really want to work at yankee candle...

i took a nap today. that was nice.

CAMP MEETING. that was fun too.
we made brownies within the first 20 minutes of us getting there. haha, i love it.
i don't love someone else being a song leader. that's my thing... it's awkward...

jake's leaving tomorrow. that's gonna be hard.
i'm pretty sure the only thing keeping me from being upset is that i get to use the car...
but yeah. 5 months in new zealand... lucky guy. going to the shire and stuff.
i wrote a poem about it. hahaa, my life...

slamstud on thursday. it'll be interesting and intimidating.
mostly because steve and isaac. and how can you not just laugh when they're around?
let's be honest...


i'm not a fan of this one...

when I look at you it's as if I walked into a dump full of plastic bags tampled and rippled by wheels of trucks, soil covered newspapers damp with the oil leaking from old exhausts left to rust.
your appearance ins't welcomed at any party, reunion, graduation, or occasion.
yet you show up anyway.
as adele would say "out of the blue, uninvited"
you couldn't stay away for one day?
might as well get ready in the dark.
the scars you leave are worse than the freckles left from prolonged exposure to the sun.
they're unavoidable, much like strech marks on a pregnant woman's stomach.
you're not welcome, painful and unappealing.
and not even with a pop! do you disappear.

this one turned into more of a story than a poem...

or should I call you Grizzly Adams?
the ferocity with which a beard grows on your face is stronger than the old green truck's horsepower.
what does your chin look like again?
and you push 2 inches of curly brown hair back to show the true shape of your face... we laugh.
up in Burlington it's necessary to have a face-scarf so that when you're boarding at Winter Warlock's home, your beard can collect icicles. Hey, it makes for a good picture, doesn't it?
Comparing your 21 year old self to your 12 year old self (because 21 and 12 are the same backwards and who doesn't appreciate symmetry?) makes me uncomfortable because I've seen you grow up.
and although you're older than me I feel like your maturity has always been that of a 12 year old boy and even with all of that hair on your face you can't hide the boy who loved dragonball z and collected Pokemon cards or the boy scout and alter server.
you'll always be stronger than me and you'll always be able to make me laugh
and when you leave for New Zealand I know you'll come back
but I'll miss you just the same
and the way you push your beard back to show your true face.
"Do you condition it?" ...he does.


sooo report cards came out today

i got a b on my us history midterm. i'm so excited and confused.
at the end of the day, i did better on my history midterm than english because i was so incredibly focused on history.
i studied for 3 hours....
(freshman year i studied for 5 hours for civics and got a d on that...)
anyway... i got a b. and a C+ for the semester. and i couldn't be happier about that because i was so worried.

i'm now ranked 34th... i used to be 27th. it's not that big of a deal really... but dropping 7 spots isn't cool. also, i'm not in the top 30 anymore... which is sad.
maybe i can work my way back in there. 4.0 second semester.... haha...

it's silly how much people care about school.
i hate how much of a competition it is.
and i HATE people who go up to teachers asking them to round up their grades. you got what you deserved... what you put work in for.
i mean, yeah it's annoying that you got an 89% but if you were to do just a little better on your own you could've gotten that a. maybe i'm just being bitter... because i might do that same thing in that situation. but i just find it annoying.

it's february... i can't even comprehend how short this year has been...

history homework
english homework
more history during mod b/e tomorrow.
i will get a b in this class...

anyone want to go to a monarch's game with me? no? okay...
i would go by myself but that would be weird. and lonely.