
2 for the price of 1!

two posts today...
but i just wanted to say that i'm learning a lot at field hockey camp.
and there's a game tomorrow morning and i hope i can do some block tackling and maybe ever a corner tackle. this makes no sense to anyone right now...

basically... that's when goalies attack the ball and sprawl out and dive and stuff.
it's scary. but it works. and i can't really do it right but i need to practice. and the only way i can do that is in game situations. so yeah.
definitely trying a block tackle tomorrow.

okay. if you're reading this right now i want you to know that you're wonderful. and important. and never think otherwise, okay?

i never wrote about wilderness camp..

oh my goodness.
well, the whole week went by so fast. i almost missed it going by.
it was hot. really hot. like, the hottest ever.
i sang a lot. with little kids about God and how he is so big and strong and mighty. and about how God is our rock and foundation for life. and a lot of praising and worshiping went on.
i love it there.

i also love 5 year olds.
"Jesus is my favorite super hero!"


my mom just came into my room

and she was wearing a poncho and sombrero and asked me if the poncho was too short.
that woman... she is something else. i hadn't laughed with her in a while so that was nice.
she's genuinely my best friend. i don't even care if that's lame.


i wish i went to a church where people were more open about their faith

my church is so private. and i feel like no one wants to be there. and it's just depressing.
i convinced my mom to try new churches. we're doing that soon.

wilderness camp all this week. so happy-making
but so tired. i'm exhausted. even though it was the first day. maybe i should get more than 6 hours of sleep? yeah. good idea.

this probs isn't a real website. it's a long story...


went for a run today

definite regression from before. but obviously i wouldn't be the same because i hadn't run in a week.
i'm not a superhero... i can't just stay the same forever and ever.

in other news... going kayaking tomorrow? sweettt. bringing my camera. i really love kayaking.


kinda gross stuff ahead.

i've never really had as many pms symptoms as i have this week.
not a fan.
seriously. so moody.


it's too hot to practice.

the air gets to my head and i can't breathe correctly and my sound is just terrible.
i get so frustrated all the time, and i write about it all the time.
i just feel like no progress is being made. i need help.



i just reformatted everything in life. hahaha
new blog layout, new tumblr layout. everything's nice and cleaned up now.
i feel good